Customer Testimonials

S Chakraborty, Shillong

Product was good. Overall value for money, customer service was good, installation was on time.

Rakesh Singh, Shillong

Thank you for providing good service and good product quality. And delivery on time.

B Nongkynrih , Shillong

Good product with good quality. Customer service was nice. Good service by

Danny S Majaw, Shillong

Here is my feedback regarding product and service: “I received my order without any problem and would like to say that wonderful service provided by Homes51" Packaging and shipping - Great 5 stars Product Price - Good, Value for the money Product quality - Good Quality testing by Homes51—Good ... Overall rating 4 stars have a great day. Hope this helps in the development of your service provided in the future!

D Jala, Shillong

Good service provided by Homes51. Thank a lot for your service. Will always buy from you.

B Nongkhlaw, Shillong

"I am very happy with your service. I received my order without any problem and would like to say that wonderful service provided by Homes51.."

B Sohtun, Shillong

I am overjoyed and overwhelmed by its quality and standard. Besides, "I am also very much pleased by your finest packaging.It's Mind blowing !! What a professional attitude guys!! I have never seen such a high quality packaging since many years. You have earned a contended and permanent customer in shape of me. I profusely thank you. My best wishes. Keep up the good work."

B W Khyllew, shillong

Being a new customer in this shop , i found the customer service was very appreciate and the product purchased from here was best in quality.

C Kharshandi, Shillong

"Here is my feedback regarding product and service: Thanks a lot. I am in receipt of my entire order. Hope to make next deal with you in near future."

B L Kharsyntiew, shillong

Today I received my materials. Delivered product is looking good.I am highly satisfied with the service commitment & customer satisfaction of the

Pinak Deb, Shillong

Comfortable and value for money, Good quality material. Comfortable. Product is as described. Great buy. No issues about the item, Overall satisfied with the product, worth to buy it.

B. Lyngdoh, Shillong

Amazing company to deal with. Very professional, fair and competitive rates. Quick response and quick service which was very essential for my construction work. Thanks Homes51

P Khongdup, Shillong

Nice and branded products. Satisfied with the customer dealings and service provided. On time delivery and the price is fair.

J Ch Marak, Shillong

Impressive, one of its own kind. Very good service at a valuable price.

J Kharshiing, Shillong

Top notch service and good customer dealing.

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